America Recycles Day Nov 15

America Recycles Day is November 15th

As soon as the calendar flips to November, many of us look forward to the excitement of the holiday season, getting ready for Thanksgiving, and the inevitable infiltration of visiting friends and family members. It’s a joyous time! But before the turkey arrives and our home is buzzing with loved ones, we have one important item to check off our to-do list: America Recycles Day. The annual initiative—slated for November 15 and driven by the Keep America Beautiful Initiative—is a welcome reminder to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.

Whether you’re 50 years old or 5 years old, a private citizen, or a business entity, this is a perfect opportunity to get involved on a larger scale, engage with other like-minded people, and share the commitment to recycling. After all, the benefits are many:

  • Reduce recyclable materials in landfills
  • Conserve natural resources
  • Reduce the use of virgin materials that need to be manufactured
  • Prevent pollution and reduce greenhouse gases
  • Create jobs and other economic benefits
  • Save energy

Texas Recycling: Multi Material Dallas Recycling Center. Call 214-357-0262 for Current Prices

More About America Recycles Day

America Recycles Day recycling container with crumpled paper

Americans create more than 200 million tons of trash each year, so the environmental and economic benefits of recycling are practically limitless. And thanks to initiatives like America Recycles Day, more people are aware of the impact recycling can have on our world. Started by the National Recycling Coalition in 1997, America Recycles Day has joined the Keep America Beautiful Campaign and is currently the only nationally recognized day dedicated to promoting and celebrating recycling in the United States. The goal is to educate and encourage individuals to be more mindful of what they consume, where and how to properly recycle, and pledge to recycle more and recycle right in their everyday lives.

This includes recycling at home, work, school, and while on the go, buying products made with recycled content, and educating and encouraging friends, family, and neighbors. No national law in the United States mandates recycling; state and local governments often introduce their own recycling requirements. But events like America Recycles Day bring attention to recycling to get more municipalities, businesses, and local residents on board with recycling. We can make large strides towards protecting the environment by educating the public and raising awareness about the benefits of recycling.

According to the America Recycles Day website, their legions of volunteers and affiliates recycled over 14.9 million pounds of recyclable materials. Last year alone, America Recycles Day was responsible for:

  • 1,314,000-plus pounds of paper and paper products 
  • 1,162,000-plus pounds of electronics
  • 816,500-plus pounds of beverage containers
  • 246,000-plus pounds of clothing and textiles
  • 2,277,000-plus pounds of single-stream recycling
  • 6,071,000-plus pounds of other recycled materials

Texas Recycling: We Help Your Business with Revenue from Recycling. Call 214-357-0262

6 Easy Ways for You to Get Involved

1. Can it

Data still shows 1 in 5 Americans drink one soda per day, on average. Let’s assume these are consumed from an aluminum can. If so, that’s about 60,000 recyclable materials that end up in the trash when they could instead be tossed into a recycling bin.

2. Think plastics

The same bin that’s in your pantry or office can be the destination for most plastics. If you’re wondering what can be recycled, check your local city curbside program and guidelines.

3. Host and attend an event

It’s easy to host or attend an event. Many are on the America Recycles Day website.

4. Go back to school

Ask teachers and PTA volunteers how recycling can be a fun learning tool and exercise at your community school. Examples include a creative arts project or essay topic, a science experiment, or extracurricular hikes to clean up, pick up, and beautify the school and surrounding areas. Children of all ages love action, activities, and doing something different—and they get to help the planet, too.

5. Wake up your workers

A company-wide commitment to recycling can go beyond recycling bins. Build an awareness and action campaign, contests, and incentives to get employees engaged in personal and corporate recycling. An example from several years ago, one Dallas company hosted a “Pack Up the Paper Day,” in which all employees and others in their building commit to “clearing out/cleaning out” old magazines and documents. Then you can bring your paper to a local recycling provider, like Texas Recycling’s Public Buy Back Center

6. Make it social

A great commemorative event is nothing without a little X (formerly Twitter), Snapchat, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, and more. Use your business and personal channels to spread the word that America Recycles Day is fun and important. The official X hashtag is #AmericaRecyclesDay.

America Recycles Day paper cut reuse reduce recycle

Texas Recycling Supports America Recycles Day in Dallas, Texas

At Texas Recycling, we’re proud to be involved in a vibrant, innovative industry that’s helping protect the environment and improving the quality of life for our neighbors in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Texas Recycling provides quality recycling services in North Texas. We process thousands of tons of recyclable paper, cardboard, newspaper, and metal at our 225,000-plus square-foot facility. So, if you still have a truckload of recyclable items, bring them to us!

Our creative solutions help companies embrace environmental responsibility and sustainability. Texas Recycling also offers our clients personalized customer service. From scheduled pickups for large commercial entities to our Public Buy Back Center for individuals and smaller businesses, we have a recycling solution to meet your needs. Help both the environment and your bottom line by calling Texas Recycling at 214-357-0262 to get started on a commercial recycling or industrial recycling program for your organization.

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