One of Texas Recycling’s favorite annual events is coming soon: America Recycles Day is November 15, 2020. This is the only nationally recognized day dedicated to recycling and recycling education. American Recycling Day was created to promote the benefits of recycling programs in communities all around America. This special day, overseen by Keep America Beautiful, is designed to motivate, educate and bring more awareness to recycling all around the country.
To find out about community activities for America Recycles Day, the Keep America Beautiful website offers an activity search. For those motivated to take on a larger role, the website provides tips and ideas for organizing an event. While the number of scheduled activities may be limited by COVID-19 restrictions, there are still plenty of recycling projects that can happen in your home or business. We only have one Earth; let us not allow the pandemic to keep us from protecting the environment and maintaining our valuable resources.
8 Ideas for Supporting America Recycles Day
- Place accessible recycling bins in your home or office.
- Learn about local recycling resources and locations, if pick up is not available to you.
- Collect recyclables from neighbors and offer to transport them to a collection point.
- Bring clean, dry plastic bags to your grocery store for recycling.
- Order pizza! Separate the greasy bottom of the pizza box from the clean top and recycle the top.
- Break down empty cardboard boxes from deliveries and get them in a recycling container.
- Bring metal hangers back to your dry cleaners.
- For commercial and industrial businesses that handle a lot of paper, newsprint and cardboard, gather all recyclable scraps and drop them off at Texas Recycling.

Why Is America Recycles Day of Value?
As you can see, America Recycles Day builds awareness about recycling programs in our local municipalities. It also educates about the benefits of recycling to our communities and environment:
- Saves resources – Promoting conservation and reducing reliance on non-renewable resources.
- Reduces emissions – Manufacturing that uses recycled materials uses less energy and produces fewer carbon emissions.
- Saves energy – Extracting and processing virgin raw materials is energy intensive; Recycling uses less energy.
- Supports a circular economy – When recycled, materials are provided to create something new.
- Creates jobs – Over 750,000 jobs are created by recycling in the United States.
Celebrate America Recycles Day with Texas Recycling 214-357-0262
Many of our customers, commercial and industrial clients are within Dallas’ borders. Unfortunately, Dallas events for America Recycles Day are cancelled to reduce the spread of COVID-19. But we call all embrace the intent of the day by learning about the recycling resources that Dallas offers homeowners, apartment dwellers and companies. Dallas is committed to be zero waste by 2040. To achieve that goal, Dallas needs the help of residents and businesses. Learn more about recycling initiatives, drop off locations, what can and cannot be recycled, and more at You can follow on Facebook or even download the app!
Residents of other North Texas communities can check their local government pages for recycling, reducing and reusing information in their area. For example, Plano continues to promote their municipal recycling program with Texas Recycles Day on November 14, 2020. Last year’s event was a big success; the hope is that this year will continue the momentum.
In 2019 1,182 cars drove through and saved over 60,000 pounds of items from becoming trash in landfills. Items included: 129 bicycles and scooters, 30,014 lbs. of electronics, hundreds of medical equipment items, 684 pairs of eyeglasses, 285 winter coats, 20,877 lbs. of textiles, yarn to knit 320 hats, 90 prom dresses, hundreds of sports items, 22,380 lbs. of shredding, 798 vases, and hundreds of books and pet supplies. This year’s event will be scaled back by focusing on 3 main areas: electronics recycling, document shredding, and bicycles. Learn more details about the drop off in Plano on the website.

Take the Pledge on America Recycles Day to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
Let us strive to bring the number of active recyclers higher than the current 35%. America Recycles Day only happens once a year, but with continued education and outreach, recycling will become something that happens every day of the year.
How to Become a Recycling Star Ongoing
- Take the #BeRecycled Pledge. Make a commitment to reducing, reusing, and recycling all year.
- Learn how to Reduce Waste, Reuse Materials, and Recycle properly.
- Purchase products with recycled content.
- Learn about recycling programs in your town: know what is accepted, where it’s accepted, and how it’s accepted.
- Recycle at home, at the office, on the go and throughout your community. Place recycling bins near trash bins to make it convenient and easy.
And one of the most important ways you can really make a difference in increasing the amount of recyclable materials collected in your area is:
- Share your knowledge with others. Become an advocate for recycling and protecting the environment.
Texas Recycling in Dallas, TX for Industrial Recycling
Include Texas Recycling in your celebration of America Recycles Day by starting a recycling program for your company. We offer customized recycling solutions for commercial and industrial clients who want to recycle responsibly and affordably, reduce waste, and earn revenue for recyclable materials. Individuals and smaller businesses can visit our Public Buy Back Center on weekdays near Fair Park and Downtown Dallas, at 1420 S. Barry Ave., Dallas 75223. Come see us on November 12 or 16th in honor of America Recycles Day! To learn more about how much we care about our customers and the environment, call Texas Recycling at 214-357-0262.